Jose Palomino is the founder of Value Prop, a company that helps B2B owners develop the value proposition, strategy, and action plans they need to unlock growth. With over 17 years of experience, Jose has helped hundreds of B2B owners, CEOs, and leadership teams across a variety of categories increase their profitable revenues.

Jose Palomino is an experienced business coach who works with owner-led businesses to help them find ways to grow their business. He met many business owners who were stuck in the hustle stage and were unable to make the transition to the next level of growth. Through his experience, he has seen that the first transition of a business is the need for additional leadership and processes to get it to the next level. He encourages businesses to find ways to stand out and be the preferred choice of their customers

In this episode, you will learn the following:

  • How to go from a seven figure to an eight figure business and drive growth?
  • Strategies that businesses can use to set themselves apart from their competitors
  • Learn how to foster a culture of loyalty and trust with your consumers.

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